Poem 73

What was it John Lennon said about Jesus being alright but his disciples were ‘thick and ordinary’ … so I was thinking about Jesus being defeated at every turn by the weight of ‘ordinary’ humanity, forever the fly in the spiritual ointment, upending all his miracles …

( I like the description of sinking spending the bright coins of your breath … )

Ordinary Antichrist

This is how I pay you back Jesus
with the flip side of yourself

look at me I can work wonders
without lifting a finger
I've starved the multitude
caused the sickly to thrive
turned water to salt
and urine

I am your lagging brother
and we are bound together
I am the sea you fall through
spending the bright coins
of your breath
I'm the cripple who reaches out
and breaks you

I am Lazarus
dragging you with me into death

Ordinary Antichrist