Poem 88

Nice flow, evocative … the touch of her woollen glove


She has wanted to take me to a winter city
and discover it with me
squares and the frozen green block
of a park
a flat taken
us scarved and coated on a bridge
breathing white together
she tells me
              I feel the touch of her woollen glove

she has paid me compliments

she has said I look better in my Levis
than all the guys on the ad
but one
         she has placed me in a dream
where I looked at her
and turned away she has rung up
simply to say she is happy

she has paid me compliments

she has paid me the compliment of herself
made me a drink played me
a record laughed
been jealous at just the right moment
she has called up or leant forward
I have heard her intake of breath
then the compliment every compliment
she has paid me

why should I care
she gave me none
