Poem 100

A surreal short film … a bit Buñuel or David Lynch (Eraserhead was a significant film for me) … I like the way it goes from dreaming to waking to dream again, as you do in the middle of the night …

The Florist

She walks into a flower shop
and the man behind the counter is wearing
    a human head in his buttonhole
no when she looks
she sees the florist is actually a flower
a deep rose
             petals opening a series
of doors
         there appears to be
a church inside the flower burning down
  a dog running away across a field with a blue dress
          which occasionally
           trips it up

she backs out but the shop is gone
she emerges from a trumpet in an orchestra
embarrassed not to be wearing
something better
                     (what did she do
                      with her good blue dress?)

waking she thinks
of having a cigarette then of a man
who knew all about how the earth's plates
       and now lives on a different one
       to her

the darkness slowly splits she pushes
her head through into light giant
  pinks and blues
she is back in the flower shop
in the florist's

The Florist