Poem 111

Grief destroys a safe harbour …
… sometimes in a poem the images balance perfectly with what’s being said – and yes (I’ll stick my neck out) I think this is an example …

( The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea was a big film for me in the 70s … )

The Sailor Who Lost His Land Legs

He dislodged a bird
from the air
              with his hand
while waving goodbye to his wife
it was a bad start

out on a lumpy sea full of edges
he dreamed she came to him
a ball of sparrow
in her fingers
saying I'll make a pair of gloves

and when he touched home off the cold sea
into the cold tin town
she was dead

the earth opened an eyelid for her
he looked up the choppy hill of headstones
and couldn't get his legs

    was sick behind a tree

The Sailor Who Lost His Land Legs