Poem 140

I’m not sure I can properly explain this … it’s incantatory and apocalyptic, seeking to identify the seat of the inferno that is always with us – is it above, inside us or under our feet … everything fiery we associate with lightness and brightness is dark here …

( I love the image of Earth as the foundry planet … as regards the title, the footage from Bradford is branded in my memory of the man walking the field with his hair in flames … )

Poem Ending With A Quote From The Bradford Football Ground Fire

I am the black sun
the black flame at midday
burning under glass
its long initial
I turn I twist
I kiss the ground grass and paper
with black flame
the ellipse of light under the magnifying glass
and its pupil weeping smoke
like sight along a straight look
into the sun
                forgive me I know
                what it is I do

I am the black sun
burning everywhere
everywhere with black flames
bursting under the fingernails
fires of country
like torched trees
the furnace of the cities
where cars like clear hot drops
        I dance on this oil
a foot thick
lifted on the ocean
the slow black sea
                         I know
                         what it is I do

I am the black Earth
breathing arson setting fire
to meteors
the one true child of this sun seared
and insistent as tar
before all the pockets of night
I burn
same-coloured pouring
dark iron sparks
the foundry planet

pity him
             he came to watch football
             and now he's on fire

Poem Ending With A Quote From The Bradford Football Ground Fire