Poem 252

These graves I think were meant to go on the second trip – the first ship with its full cargo of remains sank off Northland …

( I like the chime of voyage/village and the double meaning of righted … )

The Ship

The Chinese intended
their dead be taken back
could only fully let go
when it was the middle kingdom
that covered them

in the interval they were allotted
this part of the cemetery
no doubt suiting both sides
in a country of signs on pub doors
and 'yellow peril'

two brothers set about
raising funds for the voyage
to uplift the village
inside the neat white fencing
Bolton Street's less sunny

somehow the plan fell through

and when what was temporary slipped
the ground settled on them
they joined the patient queues
like someone whose letters have dried up
the white fencing fell
and was not righted
                                    bones ceased
sleep talking of home

though still the sense lingers
of waiting

the apocalypse
                            shelving spade
of a motorway
or here in this corner
the creak of the trees
like a mast

The Ship