Poem 276

…  significant that whoever’s speaking and giving this advice is inside the house, indicting themselves along with the others …
… I wonder if you still get the cardboard crown at McDonalds when it’s your birthday?

( I like roofing tin tooth, the frisson of menace round ‘soul’ in life and soul of the party and the strong visuals of someone hesitating on a dark blustery street … )

House Tonight

Don't come to the house tonight
the wind catches in your skin
like a roofing tin tooth
                                        the trees
want to lean right into the street
and brush you away
                                    don't come
to the house it looks like a thin-skinned
yellow hotel
puffed up with warmth
full of people who would dance
but the dinner was so good …

        don't come in here
everyone who ever hurt you is in here
and you're the life and soul
of the party
                      stand shaking by the letterbox
rain running up your sleeves
streets of wet black rubber
             and if a door bursts open
and someone is shouting 
                                              I love you
                                                       come back
don't come
to the house tonight

celebrate your birthday in a McDonalds
       with a cardboard hat
and tables full of strangers

House Tonight