Poem 332

Again, the risks of falling in behind leaders …

( I like the v-dubs and V-2s and the meccano … and the double meaning of if you follow me … )

My Struggle

Every time I close my eyes
Hitler gets on to me again
        he says
are you sure you won't join?
it's not all skinny men in the rain
                                                                    you know
it's more v-dubs than V-2s if you follow me
it's songs and banners and motorways
health and families
wild meccano dreams you lock together
to make real buildings cities
the works

I say 
          what about this old man on trial
ex-attendant of the furnace
still striped with scars from a woman
who woke up from the gas burning
and reached across his face
with her nails?

poor man
                    says Hitler
what could he do
already poisoned
already in flames
                                    what decent person
wouldn't slam the door?

             indeed ...

and likewise stand here
baffled on the back page 
                                                  of some war
raised white lines on my cheek
half stupid half asleep
drugged down with knowing
if I had my life over
I'd do everything just the same

My Struggle