Poem 340

Another underwater poem (see Poem 70 and Poem 213 ) … thinking about people lost at sea … title from Shakespeare …

( I like the word impervious and the ten minute trip to splinters … )

Full Fathom

The sea absorbs a boat
like acid
                  as if the salt
abrasive water dissolves it
rubbed away like wet paper
between the fingers
                                         one minute
there as impervious
as a bottle top
                             the next
changed course ninety degrees
begun the ten minute trip
to splinters

a disappearance
is the worst thing
seven years when you are stamped
dead still there will be grains
of doubt
                 a little house under
the sea where you point your
boots to the door and sigh

                                 drop your head
and listen to the squall that rises
today over Wellington
there is a hurricane off the
Florida coast and the water
is warming into spring

a wind comes into the house
a heavy spring tide he folds
and falls before
                                that twists
the waterlogged boots on his
soft feet
                the roof that was a side
              everything is down here
this is what they mean 
                                              by no trace

Full Fathom