Poem 356

This is a lovely thing I think, about the endless mutability of energy, how I (we all) temporarily stand in the path of starlight, of water, atoms and energy, receive them, embody them, pass them on to continue wherever they were headed out to the far distant fringes before they were fractionally impeded by our existence …

( I like the sepia stiffened sunlight which is meant to suggest memories of days past in your life like old photographs stored in your head, I also like the image of the world having senses, and the straight way that energy will always find no matter the obstacle … )

A Catch In The Flow

Through the eye
streams light
                           waves of colour into muscle
                           the dark hole of the head

what are you doing with the things you see?

energy is going through the skin
          of your eye
your head is full of old light
sunlight sweet as rain
like a river running back
         into its spring

what is water?
two of the world's senses

                                                    I am all water
                                                    I am full of light
                                                    a catch in the flow
                       before it unwinds itself
once again into the straight way

A Catch In The Flow