Poem 377

A colonisation parable …

The Crusoe Question

Man Friday thought Crusoe
was a complete nunu
but humoured him because he had interesting words
for things
he called the island our future
he referred to a set of footprints as
our glorious past
when Friday slept in on Saturday
it was a strike

Crusoe pointed out a clump of stars
that made up the belt
of a giant
Friday said it looked like a shark
Crusoe said it probably did look like a shark
to the primitive mind
but any rational investigation of the facts
showed it was a giant's belt
                                                          Friday said
it must be a giant with a very high voice
because his belt had just bitten 
his balls off

Crusoe stalked away down the beach
clumsy in his palm leaf shoes
another race riot 
                                   he carved grimly
on his diary tree

The Crusoe Question