Poem 396

Another song from The Nightdress … this is a duet between Constance’s older sisters Elizabeth and Mary Anne who are thrown into a panic by the arrival of Inspector Whicher who wants to question everyone in the house about the night of the murder … the sisters are comical characters, semi-hysterical at the best of times, referred to as a ‘two-headed cow’ by their stepmother Mary Pratt, they are given to flapping about and speaking as if they’re one person, finishing each other’s sentences … this reaches an apogee with this song in which, trying to get their story straight, they increasingly imagine they’ve heard and seen things they haven’t to the point where they don’t even trust themselves … so the song is about false memories and paranoia breeding in an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust that permeates the closed in-turned world of this Victorian family which is already riddled with scandals and secrets …

… I like the rhythms of this … you have to imagine the two sisters rattling lines back and forth, tumbling over each other, topping each other as the wild horses of their imaginations run away with them … nice too how it grows from them imagining hearing the crime being committed to glimpsing it then to embodying it – auditory, visual then somatic memory (in this case false memory) … plus the fact that their instinct tells them the murderer is female (ie. wearing a nightdress) and that there was more than one malefactor (in all probability Constance convinced her younger brother William to aid in the murder) …

Are We Sure?

Who could do it sister
hate so much
exquisite cruelty 
with a delicate touch
who could do it sister
who would know
was it someone in the house 
struck that blow
that can't be so

no outsider would know
where to go ...

that night past midnight 
I thought I heard the dog bark 
did I dream the creak 
of the drawing room shutters

whisper, whistle
sort of drip
soft thump
splash of pump
in the yard
silence ...
the rustle of a nightdress
pulled over a head
silence ...

then I slept dreamlessly 
I slept so peacefully 
I slept the sleep 
of the dead

Who among us sister 
holds the key 
who hid their hideous
and sly
we didn't see or did we 
Mary Anne
well Lizzie
now you mention ...

did something wake me 
did I stand by the window 
glimpse in the moonlight 
shadowed figures down below

white and red
still in bed 
no we weren't
that night 
silver white
and in the white 
blindness ...
pale flash of a nightdress
pulled over a head
blindness ...

then I slept peacefully
I slept so dreamlessly 
I slept the sleep 
of the dead

I've a dreadful 
who could know so much 
whom can we trust
who let resentment fester
into spite 
sister into such rage and disgust

when you put it like that
Lizzie dear 
when you think about it
obvious ...
we could have done it sister
you hush!
we could have done it 
are we sure it wasn't us

I know where the razor's kept
I know how to get it
right next to the lather
in father's case
no one any wiser
it's easy to replace it
we hate that Mary Pratt 
we might as well face it

creeping to the nursery 
with murderous intent
bundling out the back door
the sleeping innocent
the privy part of it 
sharp but short
all done in the dark 
don't give it a thought
sated of some terrible 
lust ...

we could have done it sister
motive and means
we could have done it
our position of trust
we could have done it
sister are we sure
are we absolutely sure 
it wasn't us?

Are We Sure?