Poem 457

From The Nightdress this is a solo for a young Constance at a crucial turning point mourning her mother’s death and tortured with guilt over her role in mocking her before she died (see Poem 425) … what happened in reality is that Constance’s stepmother destroyed her small plot of garden as a punishment but I’ve chosen instead to have it not thrive and Constance see that as symbolic of her marred and shrivelled internal landscape, she has come to see herself as both lifeless and not deserving of life and as hope for positivity dies in her the vacuum will be steadily replaced with a hidden implacable cold and rising anger to be avenged on the woman she blames for poisoning the family, she rejects self pity and instead projects her disgust with herself outward …

… the garden that it makes no sense to miss since it never came into being represents also the mother/daughter relationship she has been cheated of and also cheated herself of and a happy life she feels now and forever is out of reach … it’s a beautiful and a sad song of wrenching loss and despair in a young girl that increases our understanding of the emotional processes that will lead to her becoming a murderer, the anger determination and hardness of what is to come creeping in under the final verses  …

( I got some inspiration for this from Another Suitcase Another Hall from Evita – specifically the way questions are used in that song to underscore the sad lost and lonely tone … )

What Have I Lost?

I tried to grow some flowers
I tried to make it spring 
I should have known 
it couldn't come to anything

not everything can bloom 
buried beneath the green 
lie seeds that never grow 
flowers that can't be seen

I shouldn't miss 
what never existed 
what could I grow 
this is the last 
of the weeping days 

what is gone? 
what have I lost?

Will my heart be whole? 
when will good things come? 
not from a ruined garden 
sins can't be undone

I tried to give you spring 
though inside I'm cold and grey 
a winter heart within me 
what could I grow anyway?

how can I miss 
what never existed? 
what could I grow anyway? 
this is the last 
of the weeping days 

Oh Constance how could you 
the wounded look she gave 
I just turned my back 
then she was in her grave

what can I grow now? 
everything I touch will die 
I'll go my way alone 
you'll never see me cry

so much that should have existed 
was broken defiled and twisted 
every way 
this is the last
of the weeping days

it's just a garden 

Time to get up off your knees 
try not to let anybody see 
instead here's what you say 
it's not like I
could grow anything 
this is the last 
of the weeping days 

what is gone?
what have I lost? 
it was my garden 
now it's cursed

what is gone? 
what have I lost?

what have I lost?

What Have I Lost?