Poem 481

Past and future held within the transparent present … history and uncertainties haunt relationships so in fact a couple is most rock solid and unassailable when living in the moment …

( I like the image of now as a glass of water … )

Future Zoo

If it's still the past
    that makes you doubt
                                                  if the future
is a zoo of possibilities
of impossible colour doing mundane things
birds of prey with giant tipped hands
who won't come down from the corners
of their cages
                            if the future is surely
      boring and sleepy
      then let's hold hands
and knock at each empty enclosure
until foxes and cheetahs shrug off disguises
and strut for us
                              if the past
         is somehow inside this glass
of water
                 this now
then let's drink it and dare it
to unstick our kisses

Future Zoo