Poem 526

One half of this is a simple cautionary tale addressed to a disenchanted lover, the other (the italicised lines) spiral off into sub-James-Bond thriller tropes – it’s about the way people can’t resist spinning a story about love, how our imagination constantly runs away with us and overwrites reality …

The Love Caper a poem that likes a good plot

So now you're mixed up
gun running dope everything
with me I mean
cameraman in asiatic wars
I warned you
not to go back to the chateau
but you wouldn't listen
I was sent to kill you but everything's changed
you had to make that mistake
financing the balloon race with the same name you used in Switzerland
find out for yourself
that it was really her in that burnt out car
love is not what you imagined
is like the piranha in this tank don't you think
and where to now
                                      just drive to the sea

The Love Caper a poem that likes a good plot