Poem 530

All comparisons are odious as they say – but here’s me wondering if I’ve got the right make up to be a great writer …

Corpse Flower

So Thomas Wolfe had many tiny tubercles
on the right hand side of his brain
and would caress his genitals for inspiration
          as he worked
is there flying in the face of all medical
opinion a connection?
                                               am I to be caught
between the promise of great writing on one hand
and an early death on the other
if I adopt this method?

was a child with huge appetites
what is my desire compared to his
                                                                        the gross flesh
that couldn't type or drive a car
wrote the book on greed
                                                   my ambitions shrink
his touch themselves into full flower
a giant orchid stinking
of rotten meat

Corpse Flower