Poem 537

One of those days that’s about getting to the next day …

( All good images but I especially like the thread on the big coat of love and the newspapers with broken spines … )

The Day’s Round Up

You're a mining disaster of a girl
and I'm just a thread on the big coat
of love
there's a fleet of grey afternoons on manoeuvres
off a cup of tea and half a biscuit
scattered paraplegic newspapers crippled in the plunge
from one day into another
I've got an old leaf wrapped round one finger
so I can pretend I'm married to a tree
you're angry you'd love to beat a steak
with a milk bottle right now
but the fridge is full of white racks
and little else
a cloud comes through the door like a cowboy
it's raining steadily under the table
and now the outlook for the bedroom …

The Day’s Round Up