Poem 544

Writer seeks writer …

( I particularly like the bookshop/bedroom floor, the cowboys of rain … and the tone of naked desire … )

Things Adding Up

What is it about you and these shoulder blades
sticking out of all your poems
                                                             I have them now
in front of my eyes like wings
wings of angel and baptist you held
beating out of your hands

this is only a business we run down together
but you could have been more careful
in a bookshop I picked up and read
something off your bedroom floor
                                                                     I've seen your back
and your hands are warm and things
add up

               all these others
but it was you who really turned my head
turned it
                 I hear the tea things
                 you're a mile away
in some country you made up by the sea
lines surface 
                            if I had a knife don't think
                            I wouldn't cut you
                            don't kneel down
                            just to have someone to look up to

and that could be a song but how do I sing it or say
you broke me in half
I hate to read and the hooks of your words
are tightening in my eyes
                                                    that I never
wanted to figure anywhere but in what
I did myself and cowboys
of rain are riding over the hills here while I shout after
some fading picture
                                         love me	 write me down

Things Adding Up