Poem 33

The failure of language when you need it … and the failure of life to be more like the classic Megan Follows tv series of Anne of Green Gables

If I Had Two Minutes

to tell you everything
if for instance the two-minute
warning went off
all the radios shrieked as one
  and went whirring the DJs
running into the street
ripping their cords out
hailing wild sobbing taxis
    fumbling out tears and keys
    against the sides
    of their cars
if you and I met and held arms
and whirled round inside the ordinary humble
and wondered what to say
       remembering how before Matthew bowed his head
       into Anne of Green Gables' arms
         and died
       he said these very choice wise
       perfect things
and all we can do is whirl on laughing stumbling
saying my mind is a blank

         my mind is a blank



If I Had Two Minutes