Poem 55

Another ‘gloaming’ poem … the early evening low ebb of the spirit … from the street every window with its bluish tv light …
… remember milk trucks? …

( I like the contradiction of dark gold leaf, cars as little fish with bulging eyes and the milk truck’s horn like a calf bleating … )

Evening News

She doesn't have to do anything for a whole day
      and it passes
beaten into thin metal into a night
like dark gold leaf
                     a face
forms out of a tree deep blue sky
rocketing through the sockets
      she wishes on the first house
on the hill to turn its lights on and already
potato peelings are falling into the sinks
of a dozen stars
                  cars come back
little fish with bulging eyes the milk truck
blares below
going from street to street like a lost calf
in the new dark
      6:30 news
silent welding
flickering everywhere

Evening News