Poem 65

Published in The Listener – remember when you got the tv listings and a poem? … this is about the latency period when you realise it’s actually on with someone then have to make that adjustment in yourself and Frankenstein-like build the real details onto the blank sense-ghost that person is to you initially …

( I like whale dreams opening breathing holes … )

It Took The Whole Weekend

It took the whole weekend
to consider you mine
     on Friday night I couldn't imagine your face
all Saturday morning I worked on your body
roughing out the shape linking guess to guess to
   sudden small inspirations
of memory          (your bent broken-looking toes)

when I woke up on Sunday morning your eyes
were where the sun should have been
I seized them
              your head took shape

the rest of that day brought the touches
    fingers hair
the way you wind one in the other
different expressions
                        fluttering through the room …

that night I slept deeply
    whale dreams only opening breathing holes
from time to time
it was your voice that woke me early
it was raining
   already I could feel you moving about in the world
I went outside and picked up the end of white string
      wrapped it around three fingers
began to wind and follow
                             wind and follow

It Took The Whole Weekend