Poem 207

The page three account of this in the paper amused me because it seemed so rational and matter of fact, for once underplaying what must have been the drama and profound metaphysical confusion of the moment … you’re never so alone as when you meet an elephant in Auckland …

… headlines in italics are mine I think, the sub editor in me coming out …

Different Story?

A man walking home this morning
just after 1 a.m. saw the silhouette of an elephant
      parading along the top of a rise
in Cornwall Park

he brought this to the attention
of the police who notified the circus
currently in town
who duly retrieved the prodigal pachyderm
from its midnight meander



imagine it's you in the open
      in the dark
and this completely wrong shape
strolls between you
and the stars
uprooting things …

Different Story?