Poem 368

Getting past bruised feelings and arriving in a zone of beneficence, a wishing-well … very close to the Vulcan salutation from Star Trek (which was probably somewhere at the back of my mind) …

( I like the hard scatterings of sleet and the birds in the eaves … )

Blessing For An Ex-Lover

                   and prosper
tonight the roof is riddled
by hard scatterings of rain
and ice
                cold grips my knees
under the desk

but I think that probably birds
are curled in under the eaves
wherever it is inside the guttering
they go
                and that gives the house 
a feathery feel
       little warm spaces

two cats on the bed the tv
and the heater giving off their various glows
I'll go back to them in a minute
          I mean love in the sense of
honey sweetheart or the un-stupid equivalent
that still hasn't been found
and prosper

as well as you can
                                       and you can
if I know you at all
and I do still just
                                   can still get your picture
absolutely clear for an instant
if I find a memory not trampled
something you really did say

our best words were never spoken
there's two meanings in that
both will do

Blessing For An Ex-Lover