Poem 369

Not written to make a pair with the last poem, but nevertheless they do effectively present the Janus faces of break up …

… in this particular romantic post-apocalypse memory is an affliction that can only be effaced by the entire arc of a further relationship, only by the writer traveling through the gamut of emotions again beginning to end (especially the negative ones) will this powerful ex become old news and he be able to move on … it really is a very personal curse because it’s not even trying to envisage a better future and better partner, just the removal of this wound by replacing it with another … I have to say I enjoy the venom …

Curse For An Ex-Lover

The best thing would be to be in love with
someone else
                              to pursue her along canals
crop up at the right parties
                                                       to hang
on her smile by a fingernail and work from there

the best thing would be to make a time of it
        to really think she is essential
        to the shape of the planet
then to argue
                           fall silent on the phone
and not be the first one to speak
                                                                  the best thing
would be to lose her
        feel my stomach full of daylight
        and indigestible curds of love
to see her face always when I think of what the world
has done to me
                               let her image
print my life
                        die calling out her name

get me?

                    I want to meet her
                    I want to love her
                    I want to blot
                                                you out

Curse For An Ex-Lover