Poem 442

These two songs flow together at the end of the first Act of The NightdressLittle Monkeys is sung by Miss Gough the nurse as she tries to settle three year old Saville for the night … we know he will be abducted and murdered (by Constance) before dawn so everything in this lullaby is freighted with irony and  dread … ( I particularly like the rhyming on the numbers … )

… between the two songs the music rises to a pitch of intensity as we see the murder enacted … then the full chorus sings Fallen Angel a lament for Saville as he dies and his body is disposed of … it’s the moment when the real sadness horror and loss of the killing comes home and the whole sequence makes a powerful end to the first half of the musical .. the lines at the end in italics are sung by the Bloody Girl who represents the part of Constance that is the murderer, born at this moment and at her apogee of power …

( Years before, the phrase dangling angel came to me out of nowhere and I noted it down, this song turned out to be the perfect place to use it … )

Little Monkeys / Fallen Angel

Little monkeys little monkeys
now should be asleep 
little monkeys little monkeys 
lie down without a peep

Little monkeys little monkeys 
can't do just what they please 
little monkeys little monkeys
must climb down from their trees

In the morning 
the morning 
will be a new day 
in the morning 
the morning 
there'll be time to play

Little monkeys little monkeys
can't always have their way 
little monkeys little monkeys 
will make me old and grey

In the morning 
the morning 
you can jump and run 
you will rise in 
the morning 
with the rising sun

Do what you're told 
why must I scold? 
1, 2, 3 
little monkey
eyes shut quick 
4, 5, 6 
7, 8, 9 
for the last time 
10 and 10 and 10 and 10 ... 
down you go
don't wake again
don’t wake again

Fallen Angel

Fallen angel fall through the darkness
don't leave us behind 
little angel so young and heartless 
throat gashed open wide 
where do you go now 
remember to breathe 
heart beating so slow now 
I bleed and I grieve

Fallen angel fall on forever
bright chattering boy 
you're tearing my soul as you go 
my heart is destroyed 
curl in your dark hole 
there you must hide 
till someone has paid in full 
for the way that you died

Little lost angel 
vanishing angel 
sweet dangling angel 
I'm watching you fly

Where do you go now 
remember to breathe 
heart beating so slow now 
I bleed and I grieve
for little lost angel

	I sing in the darkness

vanishing angel 
sweet dangling angel
I'm watching you fly

	sing in the darkness

where do you go now 
I'm watching you fly ...

	I sing in the darkness 
	sing in the darkness 
	I sing

Little Monkeys / Fallen Angel