Poem 443

The title comes from a T.S. Eliot quote that appeals to me, how we struggle to communicate using what is after all a fairly blunt instrument … so the poem depicts a complicated romantic mesh in which everyone’s failing to say what they feel …

Natural Sins Of Language

She And Her

had lunch together and
perhaps I wasn't mentioned
or perhaps I was like the bill
pushed back and forth
on the table between them

        one won't talk
and the other chatters
as if she had no choice
but to go on

Him And Me

I know he's staying with her
I don't need to imagine
him lighting the fire
her sitting by his chair
                                              I meet him
by accident
the house of a friend
my second cup of tea
broken guttering
pouring water outside the window
he comes in
                          I put on my coat
and stand by the couch saying
things that could be taken any way

Natural Sins Of Language