Poem 42

Another bus poem from my first year in Wellington – owes a little bit to a poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti … I know I was sitting in Courtenay Place so can’t quite picture where these aeronauts might have been aiming to touch down …

… pause to fondly remember the long-gone Wimpy Bar …

And That’s The Way It Should Be

I was sitting waiting for my bus
Saturday morning downtown
stomach full of
Wimpy bacon burger special grill
and I looked up
and three people were parachuting
bright oblong canopies above their heads
the plane just buzzing away
bright red and blue silk
and one holding a smoke flare
making an orange corkscrew in the air
and one drifted behind a building
and the sun came out
and another one went behind the building
but the sun stayed out
and slowly the one with the orange spiral
in his hand drifted
behind the building
and my bus came

And That’s The Way It Should Be